Speaking Engagements
Tiffany quit her job to crusade for the planet. She regularly shares her insipring story in hopes of catalyzing real change in people’s lives and for the planet. From school children looking to learn about the oceans to general meetings and boards of large organizations wanting to forge a new way forward, Tiffany’s audiences benefit from her breath of experience, her boundless enthusiasm, and her openness about her journey.
Environmental speeches include: environmental storytelling and communications, environmental advocacy, scientific expedition support, coral restoration, Amazon rainforest conservation, climate education and challenges.
Inspirational speeches include: how to find your life purpose, the importance of failing to succeed, on quitting your job to find a life you love, and how to leave the law.
Tiffany is also available for project consulting.

- Panelist – UCLA Career Center (Westwood, CA | Feb 7, 2023) on mid-career pivots and how to create a life you love – (watch the replay here)
- Panelist – Duke Oceans (Durham, NC | Feb 23, 2023) on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the ocean space.
- Presenter – Sequoyah School (Pasadena, CA | Apr 21, 2021) – on ocean conservation careers and meeting SDG goals
- Guest Lecturer – Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL | Mar 25, 2021) – on the role and current state of climate sinks
- Course Facilitator – Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL | Oct 29 – Dec 10, 2020) – course on the climate crisis, climate communications, and what we must do (“Climate Conversations: the Science, the Seriousness, the Solutions”)
In Person
- Course Facilitator – Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL | Jun 18 – Jul 11, 2019) – course on the climate crisis, climate communications, and what we must do (“Climate Conversations: the Science, the Seriousness, the Solutions”)
- Guest Lecturer – Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL | Mar 20, 2019) – on corals and climate mitigation
- Presenter – Harker Upper School (San Jose, CA | Mar 8, 2019) – on coral restoration, food and climate change
- Presenter – Harker Upper School (San Jose, CA | Mar 8, 2019) – on ikigai, failing forward, and finding your career passion
- Guest Lecturer, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL | Jan 30, 2019) – on corals and climate mitigation
- Presenter – General Meeting of the FIU MIInds Institute at Florida International University (Miami, FL | Jan 23, 2019) – on the importance of coral reefs and how to protect them
- Presenter – Ocean Studies Charter School (Key Largo, FL | Oct 11, 2018) – workshop on coral anatomy and why reefs matter
- Presenter – Ocean Voices (Dec 18, 2023) on creating a virtual reality game from a scientific expedition’s data and visuals, measuring impact
- Panelist – REEF Environmental Education Foundation (Key Largo, FL | May 11, 2022) on diverse experiences in the marine science sphere (“Oceans for All: Exploring Diverse Experiences in Marine Science”) – (watch the replay here)
- Presenter – Exploring by the Seat of your Pants (Tromso, Norway | Nov 20, 2022) on what it’s like to be on a scientific expedition (live presentation from expedition ship)
- Panelist – Smithsonian Marine Station (Ft. Pierce, FL | Apr 15, 2021) – Virtual panel on science communication and science writing (“The Art of Science: Conversations with Creatives in Science”) – (watch the replay here)
- Panelist – Former Lawyer Collaborative (Apr 18, 2020) – Career panel on writing as a career after law
In Person
- Presenter – Key Dives Women’s Dive Day (Islamorada, FL | July 15, 2023) on my journey from law to exploration and ocean storytelling
- Panelist – National Association of Environmental Professionals Annual Conference (Ft. Lauderdale, FL | May 18, 2022) on diversity within the environmental professionals industry (listen to the podcast here)
- Presenter – General Meeting of RiseUp Florida! (Coral Gables, FL | Mar 7, 2019) on coral restoration and coastal protection
- Guest Presenter – General Meeting of Save-A-Turtle (Marathon, FL | Mar 4, 2019) on coral restoration and ecosystem protection
- Workshop Facilitator and Leader – Girls Scout of America (Miami, FL | Feb 16, 2019) – In-field Everglades wet walk and water flow workshop on connected ecosystems of Lake Okeechobee, the Everglades, the Mangroves, the Seagrasses, and the Coral Reefs in Everglades National Park, FL
- Presenter – Coral Restoration Foundation (Tavernier, FL | Feb 1, 2019) – Civic Engagement Workshop to prepare for Key West Sunscreen Ordinance hearings
- Guest Presenter – General Meeting of the Flamingo Flotilla (Homestead, FL | Jan 31, 2019) on coral restoration and coastal protection
- Guest Educator – Jules Undersea Lodge (Key Largo, FL | Nov 8, 2018) – Livestream Q&A and interview on coral restoration as a working solution to ecosystem loss
- Presenter – General Meeting of the Pacific Divers Club (Canoga Park, CA | Feb 14, 2018) on sustainable seafood and the campaign against California’s swordfish drift gillnet fishery
- Project Consulting – Sequoyah School (Pasadena, CA | Apr – May, 2021) – Advising high school students on development of ocean science projects
- Florida Hill Day: Healthy Oceans, Clean Beaches Advocacy Day, (Tallahassee, FL | Apr 4, 2023) in support of funding for water quality testing and resiliency projects and against preemption.
- Key West City Commissioners Meeting, (Key West, FL | Feb 5, 2019) in support of sunscreen ordinance banning oxybenzone and octinoxate.
- Meeting with assembly members, (Sacramento, CA | Jul 26, 2018) in support of S.B. 1017 to phase out California swordfish fishery.
- CA Senate Committee on Appropriations (Sacramento, CA | May 14, 2018) in support of S.B. 1017 to phase out California swordfish fishery
- Oceans Day Lobbying, (Sacramento, CA | Feb 20, 2018) in support of ‘connect the cap’ ordinances, single-use plastic bans, sustainable fisheries, and equitable coastal land-use
- Whole Foods Markets, various restaurants, public spaces (Statewide throughout California | Oct 2017 – Aug 2018) – consumer boycott of unsustainably-caught swordfish from the California drift gillnet fishery
- Marin County Board of Supervisors Meeting (San Rafael, CA | Nov 14, 2017) in support of county purchase of golf course for restoration to riparian use
Tiffany as a board member with Save-A-Turtle of the Florida Keys and a very active volunteer with CRF, I want to thank you. I am in awe at the professionalism and the organization of CRF.
Randy Beck
The Saturday program to the Girl Scounts reached 43 new people who ranged from 3 to 40ish. I had not expected such a huge and varied group. I could not have been more delighted with the program Kristin, Tiffany and Sara provided. Your intern team created an interactive, engaging game connecting the Everglades’ ecological dots to coral restoration. They held the attention of this mixed group, conveyed the importance of hte reefs, and I think they inspired several of the older girls to consider a journey to Key Largo for more information. Their energy, creativity, and personal warmth added so much to Adventure Day.
Ellen Siegel
Tiff & Sara – thank you so much for teaching this Climate course. Even though I was generally sympathetic to the climate problems faced by the world, you brought the extent of the problem home to me. I realize that sitting on the sidelines and giving a few bucks to environmental groups is not enough. I have resolved to become more active, including talking about your course with my family and friends. I also want you both to know that your presentations were thoughtful and thoroughly enjoyable. I looked forward to each class. You smartly included guest speakers who were interesting and actually working in the field. I was really disappointed when the class ended. You are performing a wonderful service.
Rick Dunn
Thank you for an eye-opening class on climate change and worldwide waste. It is heartening to find people as committed as you and your guest presenters are. I will still do my best to combat climate change incorporating many of your excellent ideas and I will join at least one group fighting climate change.
Stanely Coira
Tiffany and Sara – and all the fabulous presenters – I can’t thank you enough for an amazing class. I also want to thank all my classmates for being so engaged and making the climate conversations meaningful and personal. So what did I love? So many,many things. Here are a few: the skillful, efficient presentations providing us with facts, charts and illustrations. The terrific guest speakers, also so well prepared, who advised us on what is being done locally and how we can join in. The fact that the class flew by; it was so engaging I think we all could easily have stayed another hour. Excellent time management and program organization. I loved the contagious enthusiasm. I loved the class interaction. The size of the class was perfect. How can you improve? I think you nailed it! I would love for you to continue this class so that other OLLI members can share in your expertise and enthusiasm. This would be a great service to our community. What am I doing? I have joined Citizens Climate Lobby, attended my first meeting and have so far recruited three (non-OLLI) people. I am going to talk to my Sierra Club contact to discuss possible speaking programs. I have posted on Facebook.
Sunny McLean
Thank YOU Tiffany so very much for coming! We really enjoyed meeting you and your presentation was fabulous!