Featured Works
DAN’s Alert Diver | Feb 25, 2021
In saving our oceans, we save ourselves. America’s National Marine Sanctuaries system turns 50 in 2022, and I was asked to explore their profound importance to our ecosystem, identity, and future.
Keys Weekly | Aug 1, 2020
It took a lot for me to feel safe enough to fly from Florida to California. I put on masks, gloves, face shields and more. What the experience showed me is that we all need to give ourselves more grace as we approach pandemic-related decisions and actions.

Keys Weekly | Apr 22, 2020
I struggled on how to convey the importance of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day amidst the global pandemic and BLM protests. When I took a step back, I gained some time, perspective, and gratitude. Easily one of my favorite pieces yet.
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation | Aug 2, 202014, 2020
I was asked by the National Marine Sanctuaries Foundation to represent the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and its wonder. It was my honor to talk about what I love about where I live.
Featured Works
Losing my dad in 2021 changed my life in every way possible. I continue to learn from him, even in his absence, and honor him on another fatherless Father’s Day.
My ongie taught me about bold adventure, unexpected beauty and the power of storytelling. More than that, he modeled how to live a different kind of life and to enjoy it.
Invited author in a book on the complex processes of loss and grief, as experienced as a young adult in school.

Community Mourns a Shooting Star
Pascal Weisberger was a special kid. He excelled in scholarship, extracurriculars and making everything he touched better. After his passing, the Upper Keys community mourned his loss.
Featured Works
Keys Weekly | Feb 16, 2021
A dead whale found in the Everglades provided key evidence that it was a new species in need of protection.
Keys Weekly | Dec 28, 2020
Divers Alert Network asked me to star in a movie shoot for dive safety in Key Largo. Here’s what I learned behind the scenes on my first movie set.
Keys Weekly | Jan 23, 2020
In a dive into my Vietnamese culture, I talk about what it means to be a wood rat in a metal rat year, the symbolism behind the 5 element theory, and what the Chinese zodiac is.
Keys Weekly | May 8, 2020
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation’s Goal Clean Seas program released a report showing that individual, collective efforts can make a difference when it comes to debris removal.